Monday, January 31, 2011


Sume orang nk shape yg cantik.. sume orang nak slim. And saya sure sume org mesti suke tgk J-Lo kan?

Sume orang suka tgk body J-Lo . Badan die mmg cantik and butt die mmg powerr!! hahaha. Tidak la saya bayangkan figure saya untuk jadi seslim J-Lo. Cuma wanita mmg selalu inginkan kecantikan. But at least, hasil gune PB nie jeans saya dah tukar size dari 39-36 dlm mase 2 weeks+. Satu benda yang sangat seronok bagi saya dan saya sangat berbesar hati nak kongsi dgn anda sume. Macam-macam cara nak kurus nie. Meh kite tgk and survey:-

  • Jus/Supplement Diet- wah2! dlm banyak bende, method nie la paling saya sinonim before nie. dari satu produk ke satu produk saya telah. sampai kdg2 rase nak muntah, muakkk. tapi makan kena jaga, kalo x, jgn harap nak tgk hasilnyer. dan yang tak larat, maintenance duit tiap2 bulan tak lari 300-400 sebulan. mak aihh, shopping mcm2 leh dpt tuuuu..
  • Ubat klinik- ade jugak yang kat luar tu amik ubat kurus kat doktor. And salah sorgnye saya la. Mmg leh turun 6-7 kilo dlm mase 2 minggu. Tapi doktor mmg siang2 dah inform saye, ubat nie, leh amik 1bln sahaja, kerana akan ada kidney effection kalo saya makan. eeeiiii takut sebenarnye. then saya stop
  • Gym/Fitness- Senaman mmg bagus tuk badan, lagi2 bab kuar peluh jantan kan. Tapi badan yang berat kdg2 mengganggu saya nak buat senaman. And sometimes leh dpt 'knee problem' kalo buat senaman yg berat. And saya pula penah melanggan salah satu fitness centre dgn byrn sebulan rm190. Dan masalah kdg2 saya agak sibuk dgn kerje hingga tak sempat nak ke centre. Last2 abis duit cmtu je bayar.
  • Jamu/Teh- haa bende nie kalo saya telan perut rase memulas2 and tak tahan nak ke toilet. mmg la yg 'kuar' tu minyak2 tapi nak menahan 4-5 kali ke toilet, kdg2 tak sempat.. hahaha. tak larat dah.
  • Corset- yes, sebelum ini saya pernah guna corset untuk dpt kan bentuk badan at least nak turun inchi seluar. tapi kebiasaannya tak berjaya, and corset tak tahan lama. bile pakai 1thn 2thn, dah reput or koyak. Tapi berdasarkan pengalaman senior2 yg pakai Premium Beautiful, corset PB mmg tahan lama, and best ade lifetime warranty tau. And result bile pki PB sangat cepat. Yelah dari size jeans saya 39- now dah 36, and insyaallah dlm sminggu dua, akan jadi 34.. hehehe sebab dah longgar dah 36 nie. baju baru pun dh byk beli, sebab baju dulu besar2..

So pada anda yang pernah mempunyai pengalaman mcm saya, and anda rasa anda berhak untuk cantik, sihat and ada keyakinan diri, sayas suggest miliki lah PB ini, dan jadikan die teman setia anda. Insyaallah bila anda memakainya hari2, keputusan anda tentu cepat dari saya yg gemuk daging nie. Jadi just call me 012-3348255 dan saya akan terangkan pada anda. 

~Function setiap helai Premium Beautiful~

Setiap helai PB mempunyai fungsi dan kebaikannya tersendiri. Sebab itu anda digalakkan memakai ketiga-tiganya pada setiap masa.

Long Bra-
  • Cup berbentuk pyramid yang menampung payudara agar tidak jatuh dan puting dalam kedudukan yang betul (untuk mengelakkan kanser)
  • Menghalang lemak mengalir ke bahagian belakang.
  • Mengelak daripada masalah berkaitan perut seperti gastric dan ulser 

Waist Nipper

  • Tetulang memori berfungsi untuk membantu masalah tulang belakang seperti bongkok, slip disc, sakit pinggang dan pengaliran darah.
  • Suntikan FIR paing banyak dalan tetulang bengkung.
  • Sesuai untuk lelaki dan wanita terutamanya selepas bersalin.

Long Girdle

  • Menguatkan rahim, mengemaskan bahagian perut serta menghilangkan kesan rekahan kulit 'stretchmarks' terutamanya bagi ibu-ibu bersalin.
  • Tidak menekan ovari dan memberikan kesan hormon yang seimbang estrogen dan progestron
  • Love Shape nipis untuk membentuk pinggul yang menarik dan memperbetulkan kedudukan.

Jadi mengapa anda tunggu dan melihat saja keberkesanan yang saya alami dan kebaikan serta manfaat yg ade pada setiap helai Premium Beautiful. Far Infrared Ray sangat membantu dalam memecah lemak dan membantu saluran darah berjalan lancar. Even kalo anda mengalami sakit kepala, anak demam, Waist Nipper itu boleh dibalut pada badan anda untuk mengurangkan kesakitan dan menyembuh penyakit.. Insyaallah.. So call saya sekarang untuk dapatkan keterangan dan juga harga istimewa sempena CNY ini.. give me a ring at 012-334 8255 atau email ke

Monday, January 24, 2011

~Believe in Urself that u can!~

Yes, ape bende pun yang kite buat dlm hidup nie kena ade keyakinan. Kena believe that kite boleh buat. For me mindsetting is important. Same goes to my lost weight programme. 

This time I realy take PB as a method to make sure that im lost my weight and give many benefits to me. Rasa bertenaga even tido kul 1pagi then bangun kul 6 pagi keesokkannya. And sakit pinggang pun dah kurang. And paling best, im not obsessed to much with food. Takde la mcm before, syiok je nak telan. Now makan lebih dah rase penuh perut nie. Postur badan pun terjaga. setakat nie saya tak miss vryday pakai PB minimum 8 hours. Bile tak pakai, rase lain lak. sebab PB nie really melekat kat badan. saya sangat puas hati dgn PB dan pelaburan saya utk memiliki PB sangat berbaloi. Jom tgk pic saye before pakai PB and skrg:-

sebelum.. wah2 senang ati nampak.. perut tak leh cover
syukur, kecik la sket berkat pakai PB baru 2weeks++

kalo leh nak selim camnie masa umur 22thn.. huhuhu. sedih tgk pic nie..

So kalo saya boleh, anda pun sure boleh. 
Asalkan anda kena buat keputusan sekarang utk memiliki PB yang bagi saya ade magic.
So jgn tunggu, give me a ring at 0123348255
or email at

Sunday, January 23, 2011

~Semua wanita nak Slim@Weight Ideal~

Yes, wanita memang sukekan kecantikan diri dan orang lain. Bagi saya, suke bile kite kelihatan cantik, dan melihat seseorang itu cantik. Tapi kecantikan itu terlalu subjektif. Cuma bagi wanita yang mcm saya mempunyai rangka yang besar dan pernah melahirkan 2 orang anak, tentu sukar utk mendapat potongan badan yang menarik. Ketika mengandung berat badan saya boleh mencecah 105kg, kerana anak2 saya dilahirkan dlm keadaan yg besar iaitu 3.9kg. Bermacam2 ubat, supplement,fitness ctre saya cuba. Kadang2 dah naik muak@muntah utk telan itu dan ini. 

Dalam masa yang sama, confident level jadi down sebab badan naik mendadak dan segan untuk berjumpa orang. Karier saya bahagian sales, jadi memerlukan keyakinan diri utk berdepan dgn orang.

Sehinggalah saya diperkenalkan oleh Shelyza Sulaiman (tq so much dear), tentang kelebihan dan keajaiban Premium Beautiful. Ye, dulu saya lah org paling reject bile ckp psl PB. Mental dah kena block sb byk citer dulu mase keje kat kerajaan tentang PB nie. Giler ape nak invest 2k semata2 tuk beli sepasang corset.

Tapi bile Shel terangkan pada saya dan saya teruja dgn perubahan tubuh badan shel, saya jadi tertarik. Kenapa tak saya cuba?? Sebab PB bukan sahaja sepasang corset tetapi merupakan teman baik wanita dlm segi perubatan dan kesihatan wanita. Sekaligus membuat badan kite kelihatan cantik dan ramping. Malah boleh membantu wanita untuk mendapatkan cahayamata. Nanti later saya akan update ape yang PB boleh bantu anda untuk meningkatkan tahap kesihatan anda.

Sekarang kite tgk testimonial daripada Shelyza sendiri. la size jeans lama shel

dis is her new size

so if she can, we also can ...
for those nak tau lebih lanjut do call me at 0123348255

~Wish List~

When talking about wish list, sure that vrybody have. Me also, but a little bit late i think to prepare my wishlist, because feel trumbling down early January. But now i got my own desire to motivate me, and to have my wish list. So this is my 2011 wish list:-

nak buat simpanan 1K tuk ayah dan mak setiap sorg, sb nak tgk diorg naik haji dulu baru saya. i really mean it! 

mane leh tgk shel je ber'ipad' nie kan.. seksii tuuu. so kena beli gak

teringin nak ade iphone4 nie.. and my BB xkan dijual, syggg..

So i really want to work hard, and follow all the success people. Selalu berdoa semoga segala hajat dimakbukan Allah dan dipermudahkan urusan. Sesungguhnya 'wishlist' ini hanya membantu desire saya utk lebih kerja kuat demi kebahagiaan keluarga terutama mak dan ayah. Sgt teringin menghantar mereka ke Tanah Suci. I wont be there before them. So dgn niat ini saya berdoa semoga dimurahkan rezeki.

p/s: kalo nak citer pasal dream pun ade,, later i will update pasal dream plak yer..

~Reward myself~

If u can see my status on FB pada pagi Sabtu, i mmg moody, dunno why. Sedih, sayu n feel someting wrong. Tapi xde la i ikutkan sgt. Yelah perempuan kan selalu encik hormon nie up and down.. maybe time tu tgh down kot... So pergi la mengubat hati yg lara nie dengan menyambar si Belicious tersyg yg diidamkan setelah si Gucci Floral dah habis...

bau die mmg thumbs up, vry the ladies.. 2 yrs pki brand nie

dis year nie lak. bau yg sgt fresh.. mmg cam apple hijau la.. hahaha
 Keje cam i yg asyik jumpe client, perfume mmg tersgt la penting, sometimes ade xtra perfume kecik2 kat dashboard kete, kot2 nak kuar appmt, sembur dulu... 

p/s: bkn badan je kena wangi, hati pun nak wangi, jgn busuk... :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

~Dapatkan anak@Try to conceive?~

Memang ramai yang terbukti telah mengandung, setelah mengamalkan Premium Beautiful & digalakkan disusuli dengan pemakanan
Pil maharani

1)Ia tanpa sedar semasa memakainya dia menstabilkan kedudukan rahim, rahim jadi naik ke posisi yang sebenarnya, jadi seterusnya rahim akan bersedia untuk proses hamil.

2)Fir didalam setiap urat benang Premium Beautiful membantu melancarkan darah keseluruh badan secara tidak langsung membantu menyuburkan.

3)Kegemukan juga akan menyebabkan ketidakhamilan, jadi Premium Beautiful sangat membantu untuk menurunkan berat badan.

4) Pemakaian Premium Beautiful yang mengandungi FIR terbukti berkesan dalam membantu menstabil kan hormon anda secara semulajadi.
So ini salah satu testimonial yang diterima oleh pengguna PB:-

So tunggu apa lagi, call me 012-3348255.. u will be happy

Premium Beautiful tuk berpantang?? Betul ke?

Dulu kalo time pantang, paling 'bercinta' kan nak lilit bengkung kat perut. Lagi la bercinta bile gatal2 akibat param or ubat yg kite sapu before lilit bengkung tu. Tapi skrg dah ramai dah gune PB nie as a 'bengkung' mase dalam pantang. N resultnye sungguh cpt.. So here umie share one of 'org kuat' PB yang gune PB mase die berpantang baru-baru nie.

 tengok gambar Mai keyhhh....
this is her...after deliver baby...hari yang ketiga...
nampak tu..tummy buncittttt ok..haihhhh...
lalu Mai pun telah menyarung kan baju magic nyer (PB)...yippeee....
this is her after 5 days berpantang...
gambar ni tanpa pakai PB ye.....
and ini Mai...di hari ke-8 berpantang....
wahhh...mcm x caya je kan...
So u all yang preggy leh beli PB ni and sure PB leh bantu anda shape back and loose weight mase berpantang. And for sure juga leh pakai after pantang even while breastfeed baby.
So can call me at 012-3348255

Thursday, January 20, 2011

~39 to 36~

Kalo tengok tittle blog nie mesti ade yg confuse, ape benda la tu yer? Actually itu lah size jeans saya sebelum ini dan sekarang. Ye, saye dulu pki smpi saiz 39, sebab masalah perut buncit nie, sebab mase deliver 2nd baby tak sepenuhnya berbengkung dan saya jenis suka minuman sejuk. So pakai la size jeans 39... punye la besor yee..

Tapi sekarang saya dah leh sarung saiz 36. Wowww at first tuan punye badan nie pun x caye tau. Ini sume hasil saya memakai corset yg ajaib bagi saya iaitu Premium Beautiful. Dulu saya lah org yg paling alergic bile dgr corset2 nie. Sebab malas, n kurang percaya yg ianya boleh kempiskan perut dan turunkan lemak badan. Tapi bile my fren Shelyza Sulaiman dan slim, dah tukar size jeans, saya tertanya2. Ape lah yg Shel nie buat smpi kena tukar jeans die 6 pasang yg dah tak muat tu. So die pun perkenalkan saya Premium Beautiful (PB) ini.

So saya pun buat study gak kat google tentang PB nie dan juga tentang corset. So kat sini saya share sikit tentang kebaikan memakai corset:-

For some women when the thought of slipping on a Corset comes to mind, one can only think of lying down on the bed trying to squeeze into an uncomfortable garment that is two sizes too small, or maybe having to have someone else lace or snap up the back of the piece so that everything tightens correctly and stays in place. Some ladies are even fearful that by wearing a corset they may promote long term damage to their internal organs due to feeling a large amount of crushing pressure on their stomach and rib cages. This is not true, unless you wore a Corset very tightly every day in your very formative growing years, and most adult females do not have to worry about that.
Over the years Corsets have become a symbol of femininity, sexuality and intrigue. Women seek the look and feel of the corset to further enhance her own sexual image and over all well being of oneself.
A Corset is the perfect piece of lingerie to wear if you are looking to bring more sexual pleasure to the bedroom with just a hint of restraint. A Corset brings beauty to what you embody and to what you wear.
Corsets are meant to flatter a woman’s figure by providing a rather tight fit around the body and then pushing the breasts in an upward position. This creates a one of a kind eye catching look that is sure to please both you and your partner.
Many women seek the benefit of wearing a Corset to appear to have a more slimmed down look to their overall appearance. Some women report losing as much as 3 inches off their waist lines while they are wearing a Corset.
Another benefit to wearing a corset is that it can provide a great deal of lower back and overall posture support. The wonderful thing about wearing a Corset on a regular basis is that not only will it cure your bad slouching habits; it will permit a forwardness about you that gives off the allure you are prime and ready for a sexual encounter with your partner. If you are sitting up straight and walking straightforward, you are secretly giving off a more erotic and promiscuous aura about yourself that your partner will see and feel right away.
Around the turn of the 17th century, Corsets were made out of such eccentric items such as Whale Bone, Ivory, Metal and even types of wood. These were considered the stiffening agents to create the formation of the Corset. Many women wore them as a style agent more so than a way to attract a mate. With the Corset having such an uncomfortable fitting history it is amazing why it didn’t go down in history as being one of most intriguing sexual foreplay devices.
Today, such extreme materials are typically not used. Cording and elastic styled underlayments typically create the base or the “boning” for the modern day look of the Corset.
What lies underneath the outside material is not as important as to how the corset appears on the outside. Vinyl and leather corsets are some of the most popular styles in intimate apparel currently. Satin, silk and lace with sexy embellishments such as ribbons, studs, O-Rings and chains embellish today’s stylish and hot new looks.
Corsets can come in different lengths and styles. A full length corset that lies just below the belly is a good choice if you choose to wear this as a single lingerie piece and add a garter and thong as an attractive accompaniment to the look. A thong is a good choice to pair up with a more mid-drift styled corset. A matching pair of boy shorts or panties is also a steamy choice to provide a stellar and erotic sense of style to the overall appearance you are after.
Many Corsets are strapless at the top and the tightness around the waist area pushes everything upward and therefore making easier for your bust line to support the entire piece of lingerie. Even if you are smaller busted you can easily wear a Corset.
There are some ultra stylish Corsets that offer a collar or even straps on either side to create an area for embellishments such as studs and buckles and other stylish add ons.
When initially purchasing a Corset you may think special sizing requirements are needed, and that is not necessarily the case. Be sure to follow the manufactures sizing and chart guide as specified with the brand you are purchasing.
You do not want to purchase a corset that is too big or too small, actually at first you may feel that the corset is extremely tight fitting; this is a perfectly normal feeling to have. It may be a wise idea that after you have initially purchased your Corset to try wearing it around the house for a while before you wear it for an intimate encounter. You may feel slightly uncomfortable after you first have the corset on and after it is fully drawn up in the back. You may also need some help from your partner to get it on for the first time. As time goes by and the corset as been conformed to your bodies natural curves and figure it will be easier for you to move around more freely in. After a while, wearing a Corset will start to feel almost like second nature and ultimately a very comfortable piece of lingerie that you will truly take pleasure in wearing.
Because of how the Corset forces your body in an upright position, you may find some added health benefits while you are wearing your Corset. Breathing may become easier due to the fact your chest muscles are more opened up. Your back may hurt a bit at first and you may experience slight pain or discomfort the first few times you are wearing your corset, but in time your muscles will become stronger and firmer and you will feel a whole lot better.
Surprisingly after your body gets used to the position it is in from the corset, you may actually feel weak, and even out of sorts when you are not wearing it due to how well it supports your body and keeps your muscles in alignment. Surprisingly you may wonder why it took you so long to buy a Corset in the first place.
Not only are there countless benefits to wearing a Corset that will help improve your body image and overall health, the benefits it will have on your intimate lifestyle is a fabulous outcome well worth the desires and heated sexual experiences you will soon be achieving while wearing your Corset.
sebelum ye cik puan- 39 tauuu  

~Prudential Wealth Planner Conference 2011~

pic courtesy by: Prudential

Dis year PWP conference mmg happening mcm tahun2 lalu. Cuma dis year i tak masuk conference tu coz kena stay in room hotel bersama2 hero kesygn daku. Yelah dulu ade bibik leh tinggalkan, now kena bawak sume. So cume en suami jer yg masuk all the conference. 

Sgt la bangga saya kerana berada dalam syarikat insuran yang betul di mana Prudential break the record, the 1st insurance company in msia who achieved 1 Billion!! Wahhh!! best bangat tuu! Lagi best bile saya berada di agensi yang terbesar dan sgt kuat pengaruhnya (ecewah) iaitu Al Isra' Associates. N saye sure pasti sume pemegang polisi Pru pun rasa bangga n secure that coz u choose the rite company. Lagi2 bagi client2 saya yang dah merasa akan 'jasa' Pru ketika mereka ditimpa sakit atau kesusahan. So pada ZueHantuKuceng(pemilik blog shaishaicat) nmpknye ko salah satu pemegang polisi dari syarikat insuran 'gergasi' (leh ke nama tu?hehe). 

And pada 18hb dan 19hb saya cuma stay kat hotel n bwk anak2 gi First World Plaza utk main indoor. Kali ni, cuaca sgt sejuk okay,n kabus tebal tidak seperti yg saya pegi pada Oct and Jan 2010. Menyebabkan anak2 sedikit flue and batuk, nasib mama dah standby ubat2. So we have a good time there, and lepaslah rindu saya pada kengkawan terutama my luvly sister a.k.a sister-kak sajar, kak ramlah, alya, dan sume kwn2 yg sempat saya jumpa.

penuh arena all star... (pic courtesy by: nor shazleen prudential)

peace jer la..
So this year, saya sure Prudential will come out with a more good product and benefits to all of u out there. N for us, wealth planner, new destination has begin iaitu StarClub pada tahun ini ialah Negara terbit matahari- Osaka,Hokaido Japan.. Gile weh tak nak pergi negara maju babas cam Jepun. Me n hubby promise to do our level best, n bring our kids together. Insyaallah, moga2 2011 ini akan beri rezeki yang lebih, dan segala impian dan urusan dipermudahkan. To all my clients a.k.a friends who support me before, thanks a million and i love you guys... Osaka ill be there..

nak tgk secara live mountain yg cantek ini Mt. Fuji

nak merasa naik bullet train diorg

cantek kan?

siapa yg x gayat cam aku leh la naik the world highest escalator.. seram sejuk tgk
Insyaallah dengan izin Allah, usaha, doa dan sokongan mr half soul serta kengkawan sume, my dreams will come true!! yess i can!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

~Bday Eren- The Curly Girl.

Actually today is Eren bday, Happy Birthday si kerinting yg cute!! Tapi, party dibuat awal iaitu semalam. Siap tema merah hitam yer (prudential colour wooohh). Nie bday eren yg ke2thn, yg last year aunty tak dtg sebab ade hal tak dpt dielakkan. So dis year promise to attend.

Food cam biase la, kalo ziela wat mmg sedap, yg best ade van burger lagi ( nak masuk dlm beg sbungkus dua pun leh.. wakaka). Party nie buat kat atok Eren nyer kedai makan, so senang la nak order ape pun leh..hehhee.
Geram tgk rambut curly die, mak bapak takde la curly, skali anak, makin besar makin menjadi curly die. Kalo ade bby girl nak rambut cam Eren bolehh...

huhh my hero tak leh duk diam..

eren cam pelik mamat 2 org nie poyo jer pose.. hehehe

sibuk dgn anak, nak bergambo pun payah..

jatuh chenta aunty dgn gown eren (dpt kah ku merasa??hehhe)

boleh diorg buat game sendiri... pengaruh tv kuat betul!

door gift.. shomel ade pic eren (naufa leh tye, mama, nie kan tuk naufal, kenapa takde pic naufal?? suke buat lawak tauu! 

p/s: nenek eren kate aunty dah slim.. yer kerr??hehehe

Friday, January 14, 2011

anak oh anak....

bile tinggal bertiga waktu2 weekend camnie, kepala mama pun leh pening.. dgn gaduh nyer la, dgn rebut mainan nye la. kul 11.00am baru gi breakfast. after breakfast gi Giant jap bli brg. then otw back home Naufal buat lawak dlm kete:-

Mama: Naufal n ryan boring kan kite tak gi jalan2 pun.. babah kerja
Naufal: a'ar, boring la mama... jom la kite gi jalan2 mama..
Mama: Jalan2 kat mane?
Naufal: jalan2 jauhhhh la.. afal suke jalan2 jauhhh..
Mama: ooo kalo jalan2 jauh, next week la kite pegi (18th we will be at Genting)
          lagipun babah lum gaji..
Naufal: ala mama, isi la minyak penuh2, pastu gi la jalan jauhhhhhh2...

hahaha.. mcm2 la ye kalo korg nak berjalan. idea nak jawab tu mencurah2 kot. tapi Naufal mmg kreatif sket jwpn die. setiap jwpn die kdg2 buat kitrg pelik n unexpected sometimes. n tak lupa gak Ryan, semalam masa otw hantar Naufal gi Genius Aulad, Naufal buat hal, x nak pki sandal nak pakai kasut. so mama pun membebel dlm kete, nak patah balik sume. Ryan cpt menyampuk:-

Mama: Naufal kat dlm class bkn pki shoes pun, pki je la sandal, mama penat nak patah balik, ke naufal nak excuse tak nak gi school?
Ryan: biar la, abg naufal nak tido la, die ngantuk nak balik umah, die x nak school..

wah2... nampak tak togetherness diorg? kuat kan? tapi nie togetherness kurang sihat, failure pattern okay.. sabar je la mama. anak2 mama nie idup zmn cyber, so mama terasa sungguh mencabar tauuu... korang pun mesti ade eksperimen mcm saye jugak kan..

tgk pic nie geram je tgk muke masing2.....


So far yang telah berlaku sejak 1.1.2011 adalah-
adik lelaki i (no.3 in sibling) telah selamat bertunang pada 1.1.2011, wat a nice number for them n us. But disebalik itu, kami kehilangan nenek tersayang pada 31hb December 2010 jam 12.05am. Sesungguhnya kami merindui keletah gelak tawa nenek. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.
So 2011 ni, will be my busy year jugak, coz ade a few event to set up. One big event of course la my bro nie yg nak kawin on 8th May, insyaallah. So my mum dgn rase sukahati dan slumber ckp 'umie, adik ko kawin, ko handlekan sume ye, mak harap ko jadi planner ye'. wah2, syiokk nyer mak ckp ye, hehehe. yg dengar nie, berat woo.. xpe mak demi mak n adik trsyg nye pasal. will try my best.
other than that, this year will be a few changes in my life. a few new thing to do, that can change my life n other people out there. what i need is T.I.M.E. insyaallah dgn izinnya, i will success. rezeki ada dimana2, so kena rajin usaha n doa yer...
wish to all viewers semoga urusan kita dipermudahkan dunia akhirat, n believe dis year will be the best year!! 
(wah mane tau, taun nie ade dpt award ke?)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

1st Day


Finally, siap jugak my 1st blog yg dinanti2kan oleh sume- ade ke?hehehe. Actually dah lame nak buat blog, tapi masalah masa yg tidak mengizinkan (excuse!!). So there r so many things to learn about blog nie. yelah budak baru belajar kan. so will try to 'korek'2 for my frens yg kebanyakan nye dah ade blog since for a past 2 years. insyaallah will update my blog vryday, tak nak la bersawang kan?
N dgn lafaz bismillahirahmanirahim, saya rasmikan blog UmieIsMummy ini.. yuhuuu (cam bukak kedai lak). so inilah tuan empunya blog...
so after dis will add more my fren nyer blog yg aktif.. leh kite singgah minggah kan? luv u...

p/s: jgn mkn ati tgk pic syok sdri tu yer..hehehe